Thursday, March 12, 2009


Wow, I've been MIA recently! I've been too lazy to put together new outfits and rarely read my favorite fashion blogs. I did get off my butt finally, and wore this vintage dress I got in NY over Thanksgiving last year. . .

I think it was homemade, and it fits like it was tailored for me. . .too tailored in fact, because the tummy area was feeling a little tight after lunch. I don't know if the pleats are chemically treated or just ironed to stay put, but it's fun to twirl and see the skirt fan out. I'm also wearing vintage white rose beads borrowed from my momma.

Hey, my eyes look kinda bigger than usual in the 1st pic right? K told me to open my eyes wide :)

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Miyu said...

Wow! What a beautiful dress, it's perfect on you.

virginia said...

if that was home-made, she gets an A+. plaids on a bias, and matching plaid lines under the arms!

love the tights and shoes, too...

Unknown said...

nice! damn, should've picked that up before you did. though i probably couldn't pull that off.

Lilo said...

your entire outfie is so cute! i love the necklace and the shoes with the dress.....i need to shop vintage :)